Anjing dan kucing (dogs and cats)

Sean took this picture of these adorable puppies the other day. They are somebody's pets. That's right...this is what I tell myself so I can sleep at night.

The other day at language school, one of my classmates was sharing a story about seeing a dog get run over by a guy on a motorcycle. He was telling the story (in his limited Indonesian) to one of the sweetest little Indonesian gals that I've met. She's kind and thoughtful and polite and a good teacher. As the story went on, Ibu Tasya was smiling and nodding. We were all waiting for her to exclaim, "Oh, the poor puppy! Was he okay?!"

But guess what she said?

"Oh, I LOVE dog meat! It's my favorite. I don't like the small dogs, but the big dogs are so tasty!"

We all sat there speechless, waiting for her to laugh and say, "Just kidding!"

She did not.

We went on with class as if she'd just proclaimed that she really enjoys eating a good salmon fillet when she can get one.

True story.

So, this explains why I have seen ZERO stray dogs in Indonesia. I've seen a few smaller dogs that are obviously pets but nary a big dog.

Cats? Yes. Lots of those roam the streets of Salatiga. We heard that most Javanese are afraid of cats because they believe they have "spirits." To kill one of the mangy cats (and they are disgusting creatures) would release the bad spirits - so cats move about freely, doing their own thing and flicking their crooked tails at the world.

For some reason, every cat I've seen here has a crooked tail.

And a missing eye.

But they do keep the scorpion, frog, and lizard population down some. Hence the missing eyes.

Sadly, the cats aren't big enough to help with the rat population.

So, here's a recap in case you skimmed.
  1. Dogs are good eatin'.
  2. Cats are bad spirits.
  3. Rats are as big as cats...or... *gulp* bigger.


  1. You are so funny! Maybe we should start eating dogs here??

  2. That's hilarious...and disturbing. Very disturbing. :-)

  3. Ditto, Carie!!!!

    Aunt Anita

  4. I asked the people we served with why they didn't eat dog - I mean the amount of stray dogs in Shell could have solved a lot of protein deficiency issues. They looked at me like I was crazy. I thought it just made good common sense. They eat monkey, rabbits, small birds, live giant ants, live grubs, and drink tortoise blood. I don't think I could do it. So, are you thinking of getting a pet dog?

  5. Great story that really captures the culture!

    First comment: Wait till you get to PLR. Lots of stray dogs here. They seem to be as numerous as cats.

    Second comment: When we moved to Tarakan from language school, they had a welcome party for us on the beach. The American and Indonesian staff from MAF all came. There were two buckets of food. One bucket was KFC for the Americans. The other bucket was dog which the local staff enjoyed. The part that bothered Laura the most was that we had met the dog the day before.

  6. Becca,you are sooooo funny! You should write another book,just as soon as you finish "the three trees"

  7. hi ..
    people here really do eat dog meat... some are loving it very much.. but not moslems.. they said it is not halal...
    ... the dogs in the picture are cute.. remind me of my dogs.. i have 3 lovely dogs.

  8. Just like our days in China...we could really share some stories!


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