Where have I been?

Somehow, life is much more busy here than it ever was before. I'm devastated after realizing that Sean is well ahead of me with the blog posts. He's just had lots of good pictures to share with you! I have to admit, I look at those pictures, and even though I'm seeing the same thing in real life, I have a hard time believing we really do live in such an exotic and foreign place!

It is truly that beautiful here. And that foreign!

We're into our third week in Salatiga, our fourth in Indonesia! It really feels like we've been here much, much longer. Sean and I get frustrated when we can't communicate better in Indonesian - and then we realize we've only been working at it for two weeks. Phew!

In light of that, we really are doing okay.

We can sure dig ourselves into a hole quickly here. I've been known to attack a more complicated sentence or explanation only to realize a few words in that I do not know the word for green or tall or far away. Doh! So, then my brain seizes up and all I can think is Spanish and try as hard as I might I cannot move past it. That is the point at which I just turn away and skulk out of the room with my tail between my legs.

Each day, we do get a little better. My tutor has been wonderful and I do feel as though I am able to communicate a little more each day. Sean and I spend countless hours drilling each other as we try to memorize some words. Verbs like "menjemput" and "membersihkan" are just kinda hard to place anywhere!

"Menjemput" means "pick up."
"Membersihkan" means "clean."



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