No Deal

Geckos? I don't mind them at all.

Ants? All part of the life.

Cockroaches? Learning not to freak out when I see them. (Which I manage about half the time, now!)

Skinks? No Deal. No. I don't like them.

Who needs a snake with legs, I ask you? Who?

Not me.


  1. Oh, my! The "critters" that bless Sean so much sure don't bless us much, huh?! You're doing great, Honey, dealing with geckos, ants, and cockroaches, but these skinks?!!! Love and miss you all, Mom

  2. Uh, NO, NO, NO! I agree, no deal. Love ya!

  3. I agree with you, they are just gross. I have never seen one that looks like the one on Sean's blog, but it is UGLY! I would say the same about snakes...yucky.


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