He's home. We're packing. It's crazy.

Sean came back to us and all is well again. I keep looking at him and saying, "It's so good to have you back!" We were pretty excited to see him at the airport in Albuquerque.

Since we got back home we've been busy - packing, last-minute appointments, tying up loose ends. There are still lots of things to do, not the least of which is to have some good quality time with family and friends we won't get to see for a long time. Oh Lord, grant us all Your Grace in this season of good-byes.

One highlight of the week was a visit from the friends that were very instrumental in our pursuit of mission aviation in the first place. They were with MAF in Ecuador years ago and I spent several months living with them there in Shell. Sean came to visit me (we were still dating at the time) and discovered mission aviation....and the rest is history! Anyway, what a treat to be able to sit down and visit with these friends who now live in Mississsippi - to reminisce, hear new stories, and ponder what God has for us all in the future.

Things aren't looking very good for our work visas in Indonesia. At this point, we're pretty sure we'll be waiting in Nampa for our visas to come in. In about two weeks we'll head to MAF headquarters in Nampa for some re-standardization and training...after that, if our visas haven't come in, we'll just hang around and be ready to go when the time does come. Sean hopes to help out in the hangar some and we'll mostly just try to make ourselves useful until we can leave for language school in Indonesia. Pray for a miracle with the visas!


  1. Hey! Glad your hubby's home! Sorry that the visa situation doesn't look good... they haven't started working on ours yet, and we leave in Sept. Will we see you in Nampa? We'll be there July 25-29 for security training... would be great to see you!

  2. Oh, yay! Yes, we will be in Nampa for security training too! We'll get to see you for sure - what fun! Can't wait to see you :-)


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