Some randomness

My last day without Sean! Can't tell you how excited I am to go get that guy. We've missed him something terrible. It's going to be a sweet reunion in Albuquerque tomorrow!

I felt pretty sick yesterday. For some reason I keep getting these terrible sore throats and headaches...sounds like a sinus problem, huh? Anyway, it's gone today and I feel so much better. I went to bed early last night and got to sleep in a little too, since the older girls are at Grandma and Grandpa Cannon's house for a slumber party.

So, I haven't taken many pictures since Sean was gone. Early on in this dull, dark, three weeks without my better half, my camera battery died. For days my camera sat with a dead battery. Then I got all mad at myself and pulled out that darn dead battery and dug around for the charger and...I charged it! But then the battery sat on the charger for days. Then I got all smart and put the charged battery back into my camera. It has now sat on the desk for days.

When you are married to such a great (and passionate) photographer, you don't so much feel the need to bother with taking your own lackluster snapshots. It's why I haven't done very well with the whole "daily picture" thing. I just steal pictures from Sean's files - like the one below. I came across it the other day and just had to post it in lieu of my own, more recent, photo. It's from a long time ago (Brooklyn's hair was long and the grass wasn't yet green and we still had our red hen that has since moved to my sisters house). Brooklyn was pretty proud of herself that day for catching the hen - she worked long and hard at it!
Brooklyn and Henny Penny.
uhhh, Photo Credit: Sean Cannon (of course)

Hurry home, Sean! We need some new photos around here!


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