Long week.

This has been a long, slow week. I'm grateful it's Friday. It hasn't been a bad week, per se. Just slow. I'm so glad we're down to just one more week without Sean! He's doing very well, by the way.

So here's the latest:
  • The best, most wonderful news is that our support is in!! We've reached 100% of both our outgoing and monthly support needs! This is a HUGE praise and we are so amazed by how God has provided this time around. If you are a part of our new financial and prayer support team, we want to say "thank you." The unique relationship we share with so many people willing to invest in God's kingdom work through us has become one of our favorite aspects of being missionaries. It's true. The many special relationships we now enjoy with people from all walks of life - and churches of every kind - is such an unexpected and amazing gift packaged into the larger blessing of serving Christ overseas. We appreciate you and may God continue bless this work we do together!
  • We're down to our last month in Colorado. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about that - part of me is so excited and ready to go...the other part of me is already beginning to grieve. The frequent parting of ways with loved ones has to be my very LEAST favorite part of this life we're called to. I cling to the knowledge that God will give us the grace we need when the time comes....
  • Brooklyn doused her room with room deodorizer about ten minutes ago. It has permeated every room in the upstairs of the house. My head is throbbing from the chemical-induced flowery smell. Last time it was a sample of perfume that she emptied out onto herself and her sister. She likes things to smell nice, I guess.
  • It is another lovely summer day. I think I'll have to go outside in a minute (and clear out my sinuses).
  • It's Friday!
  • Praise the Lord for skype, cell phones, and email. I've been able to communicate almost daily with Sean while he's been away...
  • Keep praying about those pesky visas. Still waiting on those, though we're hoping things have kind of smoothed out in that department.
That's all the "news" I can scrounge up for now. Hope you have a good weekend. Happy Father's Day!


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