
So, things have been so crazy this week. On Monday, I went shopping for clothes for the girls in Colorado Springs. (There is no Target or Old Navy here and, well, we've pretty much bought all we could find at the Wal-Mart here anyway) It was a good, successful day. I think we're set with clothes for the girls for our first year in Indonesia anyway. After that....who knows? I'm kinda hoping they stop growing. Okay, maybe not. But I've already decided that I just can't plan that far in advance. How can I guess what size they'll need in a year or two or four?! Somehow, it will all work out. People do wear clothes in Indonesia, I'll bet we can find something. And if we can't find what we need we can have it shipped or maybe our families would even come visit and bring us some stuff or maybe we'll find a good tailor to make it all for us....

It'll be fine. Right? Right. Right? Right!

Yesterday was a sorting/catch-up day. I spent a lot of time putting things away (it's true, Mom, I promise! It just doesn't ever really look that way) and trying to get laundry done so that we'd have things ready to pack for our weekend away. Oh, and in the evening my Mom and sister and I went to a classical evening at the neighbor's house. I done got me some culture! Actually, it was a lovely evening. I love classical music....beautiful!

Today, Sean and I attacked our junk in the shop and began packing those wonderful crates. Whew-eee! We're good. We've packed a major shipment like this three times before and never did it go so quickly or smoothly. Sean and I are officially accomplished packers! But seriously, we really do work well together doing this sort of thing and we've got some experience under our belts that surely did help this time around. In fact, we packed things so well that we have some leftover space to fill in our crates! We're not 100% done but I'd say we're close. I really didn't expect to get so much done today but, boy is it cool to have it done! Huge relief.

Today was also Brooklyn's last day of Kindergarten. I'm so sad! But I am looking forward to having her around more. Love that girl.

Tomorrow we're going to get immunizations and then we're going to Denver. We're meeting Sean's parents and sister up there for a little mini-vacation. We're staying in a fancy, downtown hotel and going to the Zoo. I am so excited!


  1. Wow! You're time to leave is getting really close huh? Do you have a firm departure date yet?

  2. Yeah, we're getting close! But no, we don't have a firm departure date per se. We're waiting for our visas and the remaining 5% of support. We do know that we're for sure going to Nampa July 17-28 for some re-standardization. Our plan was to head to Indonesia right after our time in Nampa - hoping to get to Salatiga in early August because Brooklyn is supposed to start at Mountain View on Aug. 10...We'll see!


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