busy. busy. busy.

Have you been wondering where I was? (Yeah, me too.)

Things are in full swing - we only have a little under two months to get everything in order before we leave Colorado for Idaho and then Indonesia. And Sean will be gone for 3 out of the remaining 8 weeks! So, uh, yeah, we're kinda stressing. There's so much to do.

  • We made a trip to Pueblo and did some hunting for a gas range with no electrical parts and an old-fashioned pilot light ignition. Such a basic thing and so hard to find! We finally found one at Home Depot. Stoves really aren't readily available in Indonesia (Indonesians don't typically bake/cook like we do) and if you can find one they are more expensive for less quality. So, we'll take our own.
  • Sean built our crates early this week. He did an awesome job!
  • Yesterday we took the crates up to Colorado Springs to have them heat treated. This is a new requirement for shipping to Indonesia...not at all convenient for those of us living over three hundred miles away from the nearest place that does that sort of thing but, well, nobody asked us!
  • We did more shopping around Colorado Springs while we were there looking for various items we need to buy to put in our shipment....and searching for clothes that will keep us relatively cool in Indonesia's hot climate. (I looked online and saw that the heat index in Tarakan was 98 degrees yesterday).
  • We need to do lots more shopping - for small things and a few more clothing items mostly now, thank goodness.
  • We need to stock up on spices, yogurt and sour cream starters, etc.
  • Next week, our whole family is heading over the hill to the county health nurse to get more immunizations (there are a couple that we can't get here locally - we live in a rural area.)
  • After our immunizations, though, we're going to the Zoo with Sean's parents!! Gonna be so much fun and a great memory for the girls - well for all of us :-)
  • We still do have a few more speaking engagements, but we're almost done with that.
  • Our support is looking good...but we aren't done raising that yet either.
  • I've GOT to take the girls to the doctor to get their blood types done.
  • We do, probably, need to visit the dentist - all of us.
  • Brooklyn needs to be checked out by the eye doctor. I probably should too.
  • We have applications to fill out for the language school in Salatiga.
  • We also have an application and a video interview to complete for Brooklyn's school in Indo.
  • Oh, those crates? Yeah, we should probably pack them.
  • As we pack, we have to be especially careful to record what we're packing so that we can make our packing list(s).
  • We also need to figure out what we want to take with us to language school. For the 11 months there, we'll live out of our airline luggage. We can't take much (and we won't really need to or want to) but we also need to be prepared.
  • Sean will, of course, need to prep and pack for his trip to Spokane for Turbine Training
  • And, we need to get those Indonesia visas back! Ours are submitted, awaiting approval. Last we heard, there was a pretty major snag for all MAFers trying to get visas to enter Indonesia. There were several families needing visas even sooner than we do. I'm not really sure where things are at the moment but PLEASE PRAY that everyone will get their visas soon.
So, these are the things on my mind. We're so excited...and also a little bogged down with all the details of making a move this huge. We've done it before and we know it will all work out just fine. But I'm gonna have to be honest and say that this is rather difficult time for me. It doesn't help that I am beginning to feel the dread and heartache of upcoming good-byes....ugh.


  1. You're making it harder for me to live in denial with this post. Oh, it makes my head hurt...all you have to do. Good thing you have an anal, uh, I mean organized husband. :)


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