Random and not at all deep....
- Peeps. Love them.
- Our sale went okay - especially considering that it was cold and windy and we were in a terrible location. We'll do another sale later on when it's warmer and when we can set up in town instead of out here in the country. We really only had furniture and a few smaller things sorted out to sell so far. We'll be sure to add more junk to our stuff to sell, that's pretty much all anybody was interested in!
- Peeps.
- We had so much fun on Sunday afternoon having a little mini-Easter celebration with my niece and kids. The chickens were out roaming and so confused by all the colorful eggs that Sean had hidden around the yard!
- I was able to get my two youngest girls all caught up on their regular immunizations yesterday. You don't understand what a huge accomplishment this was for me. I hate (and therefor put off) taking my children in for vaccinations. It's a mental block for me. I'm quite pleased with myself for overcoming it.
- Peeps
- Madison (born in Ecuador) now has the official yellow immunization card. She had most of her immunizations done at the Ecuadorian Health Department in Shell, Ecuador since she's an Ecuadorian citizen and it was free...but her records were rather confusing - til now!
- The shots went fine, though my poor babies have some sore legs this morning. I had planned on going alone since Sean was busy but my mom came along last minute. Oh, I'm so glad she did!
- Peeps.
- We had some beautiful weather yesterday and today as well. It's breezy, but the sun is shining strong. The girls have spent lots of hours outside and it does my heart so good. I usually join them.
- Peeps.
- I have discovered that Pandora internet radio has a limit to how many hours they'll let you listen for free each month! 40 hours is a lot of time....but I've reached it!
- Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. Don't forget and don't let your guard down!
- I picked Brooklyn up from school yesterday. She was so thrilled to be a "pick-up!" She was especially excited because I had a strawberry shake waiting for her in the car. She gave me her blessing to do it "exactly this way" next time I pick her up.
- Peeps.
- We ate out at the Thai restaurant we love yesterday for lunch...actually we had other plans for lunch but that place was closed due to construction on the street. But we ended up enjoying the Thai buffet with limitless supply of curry, tempeh, sushi, and rice - lots of rice. Oh, I'm pretty sure we'll be okay in Indonesia....we LOVE Asian foods.
- We will, however, miss Mexican food.
- By the way, I just thought I should mention - good curry is like a warm hug. There you go, that was for free this morning.
- We're getting ready for a little family trip this weekend. We're heading to Moab, Utah for some camping, hiking, and nature-enjoying. We'll have our own little Easter service and maybe hunt for some eggs, too.
- Peeps.
- We're in the midst of finalizing our plans for our last months in the States and we need wisdom as we schedule.
- Decisions will be being made concerning our assignment in Indonesia (as in which island we'll go to after language school) in the coming days and week, so lift up the people making that decision. We're really excited about every possibility (we'll gladly go anywhere) so knowing hasn't been all that important to us these past several months. However, I'm really getting excited to get that program assignment! It'll help my planning/thinking/dreaming self to have a location to think about and prepare for - even though I know things can always change...and usually do!
- Our visas applications for Indonesia are finally all in order (we were waiting on a passport renewal to come in) and will be sent off soon - pray for a quick turn around!
I second the Peeps sentiment(s)! :-)
ReplyDeleteHey, we'll be praying for a Papua assignment! of course, we also want you to be sent wherever God wants you to go!!! We just hope that's Papua! :-)