Good Times!

Did ya miss me?! These days, blogging has taken a major back burner Seems like so much is happening, but nothing really blog worthy! Isn't that how it is?! I'll try to give you a brief recap of the past several days:

  • We had a fabulous time in Kansas - that's somewhat old news, as we've been back home in Colorado for nearly a week now. The picture above is of all of us (including my mom and Grandma Jean) in front of the Centropolis Christian Church. That Church was started in 1858 and is still going strong! My mom grew up in that church and my parents got married there. The pastor took me aside and told me precious stories about my Grandpa and how he'd always have a joke to share the moment he walked in the door and how the smile would spread on his face the moment the first hymn started (Grandpa loved to sing). I saw tears in the pastor's eyes as he spoke of Ted Clark - even ten years after my Grandpa went to be with the Lord, he is remembered well and greatly missed. Many people told me how much they treasure my Grandma and her sweet spirit and helpful hands. I loved hearing these stories and was reminded again of the awesome legacy of Faith I have been given. After church we took a country drive - so much family history resides right there on the country lane that winds through the tiny town of Centropolis and on out into the hills, fields, and woods. I had so much fun.
  • I love my Kansas/Missouri family. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandma - you're all so precious to me!
  • We're gearing up for a garage sale. Our big goal right now is to get rid of the big stuff that could get ruined in the shop. It's hard, though, to find a time when Sean and I can both get out to the shop to organize things together. The weather is getting warmer again, so we should be able to let the girls play outside some while we're out there.
  • If you ever get the chance, watch Faith Like Potatoes. The documentary especially. What a challenge to take God at His Word!
  • Much of life these days entails just figuring out what to do in a day and how to get it all done. We continue to visit a different church every Sunday (this is both challenging and fun). Our monthly support has reached around 56% and we're encouraged, though still aware that we have a long way to go to reach 100%!
  • Our community was rocked by the tragic deaths of two very influential men - both of whom were friends and neighbors of our family. It's been tough and so many people are affected. Please keep the Shrivers and Wrights in your prayers.


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