Done....for now.

Well, we successfully moved out of our house and cleaned it with plenty of time to spare. It was a whirlwind couple of days. I'm exhausted. It wouldn't have happened without the help of our families who watched kids, loaned us vehicles, helped us load and unload the trailer, brought us boxes, and, generally, just offered to do anything we might possibly need. Thanks to each one of you!

We're now comfortably settling into my parents' house. They've been so gracious in giving us their entire second floor for the next 5 months or so. This is a tough transitional stage...but I think we've got it just about as good as it could possibly be. We're feeling very blessed, and quite comfy.

The girls are all doing excellent. They don't mind this in the least. We've been prepping them for all the upcoming moves for a long time - I'm sure that's helped - but honestly, these are just flexible, adventurous little girls who are not bothered in the least by upheaval, changes in routines, and "different" living situations! We've found that as long as Mommy and Daddy have an upbeat attitude about it all, they do too. Besides, moving every 6 months to a year has been their life - they don't know this isn't normal!

Now it's time to settle into our new home and routine. We'll continue raising support out of our little office here and we'll need to organize and sort through all that stuff we so hurriedly moved out of our house! We're not near done...but then in this missionary life you never really are! (Don't tell anyone, but we're learning that we don't mind the transitions and moves so much - they are SO WORTH IT.)


  1. Happy packing and sorting! Hope to see y'all in a year or so! -Laura

  2. Thanks, Laura! Wouldn't it be fun to work together?! Now, that would be cool...who knows, it may just happen :-) We're closer to that happening than ever before, anyway!


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