Please Pray

Some friends of ours need your prayers. The LaBouefs have been missionaries in Ecuador for many years. Their 2 year old grandson, who also lives in Ecuador, nearly drowned over the weekend. Thankfully, MAF was there to fly him up to Quito where he is now in intensive care. At this point, nobody knows if he will survive or what effects being under the water for so long will have on him. As you can imagine this is very hard on the family, as well as the entire community. Please pray.


  1. Our prayers are with them. Keep us updated.I could not even imagine what they are going through.

  2. Oh, we will definitely be praying. I am passing this along to Dan as well. I did not know them that well, but Dan's family was quite good friends with them. I don't think he has kept up with them, though... Which LaBoeuf son does the grandson belong to?

    I do have some fond memories of them, though... A few days after we graduated from high school, Dan and I flew down to Shell and stayed a week with the LaBoeufs. Dan was able to do some flying and hanging out in the hangar, and I just relaxed and read a lot of books! We also spent some time with Danny Osterhus and family... that was only about 3 months before he died...

  3. Yes, the LaBouefs are a wonderful family. Sharon was Brooklyn's preschool teacher our last year in Ecuador. Joshua belongs to Freddy, who married Sandra (she's from Puyo). I know they appreciate your prayers right now.


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