
I'm really having fun with the daily photo project! But it means I don't write much so here's a quick update:
  • Our ministry support is coming in. Seems like we haven't heard much in the past couple of weeks. Little bits here and there are always encouraging but we're hoping things pick up soon. God is so good and this is His process...even without huge news, we know He is providing and will provide. It's that patience and timing thing that I seem to have to learn every year or so! We've been tickling 20% for both monthly and one-time support needs for a few weeks now.
  • Our travel plans are still very tentative but we're really praying that we are able to finish up raising support by the end of May, giving us plenty of time to plan, pack, and prepare before leaving at the end of July for Indonesia. The main reason we want to leave during the summer is so that Brooklyn's school schedule isn't totally screwed up by our leaving in the middle of her school year. If things work out, she'll be able to finish up Kindergarten here in Alamosa, move during summer break, and be in Indonesia in time to start First Grade at the International school near our Indonesian language school (I think?). If anyone's interested, here is a link to the school she'll most likely attend!
  • Take a tour of Salatiga with MAF missionaries currently living and studying language there. (Salatiga is on the island of Java and we'll spend about a year there studying the Indonesian language before moving on to our field assignment...which will be narrowed down for us the closer we get to our departure date)
  • I spent a lot of time yesterday working on our Indonesian Visa Applications. The mountain of paperwork required for our visas there is appalling...unless you've done this before and then it seems about right, if not slightly better organized than in other countries!
  • More news here about MAF's work in Haiti right now.
  • Please continue to keep the LaBouef family in your prayers. Little Joshua did not make it. Please remember them as they grieve.
  • I'm looking forward to going to my niece's basketball game and then going on a date with my hubby tonight! Our life right now is very strange and sometimes hard but, overall, I'd have to say this is a pretty awesome phase of life to be in. We get to make our own schedule. We get to meet and re-meet tons of awesome people. We get to visit every kind of church imaginable. We get to trust God with all our needs and watch Him work some awesome miracles. We have family nearby so that dates are becoming an almost-weekly occurrence. It's a good life. For now.


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