Friends and Co-workers helping in Haiti

I mentioned before that HCJB sent a team to help with relief efforts in Haiti. Here are some pictures from their past few days there. Some of our friends from our Ecuador days are on this team, so please keep them in your prayers as they work very long - and I'm sure emotionally exhausting - hours.

MAF's hangar in Port-au-Prince has become a logistics base for 16 aid organizations trying to bring relief to Haiti's earthquake survivors. 3 pilots and one IT guy, in addition to our Disaster response man from HQ in Nampa, are still in Haiti. All non-essential staff (namely women and children) are in the States debriefing and waiting for word that they can return to Haiti (which may be a long time in coming as it is not a safe place to be right now). Keep the 7 MAF missionary families in your prayers as they heal after last week's ordeal, even while trying to help the country that they love and serve.


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