Daily Photos: Jan. 27-31

Where did last week go? For that matter, where did January go?!

Well, I totally dropped the ball on the whole daily picture thing last week. Luckily, I have a photographer husband and I can steal some of his pictures! I'm still determined to record 2010 in pictures. Some weeks are easier than others, though!

(This was not a very exciting week...)

Wed. Jan. 27: Madison dragged out the baby bouncy seat. Both Madison and Paige had fun bouncing in it - especially Paige who is still light enough but also strong enough now to really get it going!
Thurs. Jan 28: Today we put our house on the rental market. We're hoping to get it rented before the market gets flooded in the summer. We'll miss living here but at least it will technically still be "ours," though now it will be more of an investment than a home for us. It's hard - very hard - to imagine leaving this house. Have I mentioned that we love it here? But we also know we must move on and that it's prudent to do this now. Praying for a good renter and perfect timing with the whole thing. (If and when it rents, we'll be moving in with my parents for the remainder of our time here in Colorado....) This is one of the pictures Sean took to give to our property manger for advertising. Yikes, this makes the whole "moving back to the mission field" thing feel a lot more real!
Fri. Jan. 29: This was supposedly the brightest, biggest full moon of the year. Sean literally ran out of the house to get some pictures of the moonrise from our backyard when I said, "Wow! Look outside, Honey!" Nothing gets Sean moving like a good (and fleeting) photo op.

Sat. Jan. 30: I put Paige's hair in a Bam-Bam Flinstone ponytail today. This is what it looked like when I took the pony holder out of her hair! Rock on, Paigey, rock on.
Sun. Jan 31: We had a break today from visiting churches (that will end in two weeks when we start speaking in different churches every weekend through the end of May) so we had a nice relaxing day. Our home church service was wonderful! It was a cloudy, wintry, COLD day. Sean took this photo of a frosty pine tree - it will be something to look at and remember a year from now when we're sitting around in our shorts and flip-flops in the tropics wishing for a blast of cold air!


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