Daily Photo: Wed. Jan. 20

What does it take to get a visa in Indonesia...for a family of five?

A lot of paper. A lot of ink. Some paperclips and sticky notes. Copies of birth certificates, high school diplomas, log books, pilot licenses, police clearance letters, college degrees, a marriage certificate....

We finally got our visa applications together today and sent them off to MAF headquarters to be finalized and then sent to the Indonesian Consolate for approval. We've heard it can take up to six months to get the visas, so we're starting now...seems surreal to actually be working on this right now! Are we really going to Indonesia?! Wow. This makes it feel a little more real.

Please pray with us that these applications will be accepted (hoping we dotted every "i" and crossed every "t") and that we'll get our visas in a timely manner.
I distinctly remember applying for our visas to Ecuador about 4 years ago. We were in Costa Rica and did the application there. I was so proud of myself for knowing some Spanish as we filled out the application in the consulate's office. However, the consulate just started laughing as he read our applications. Next to "marital status" I had carefully written "cansada." Unfortunately, "cansada" means tired, not married! "Casada" would have been the better word choice! I was soooo embarrassed. Luckily, the consulate just laughed and gave us our visas. I'm just praying I didn't make a silly mistake like that on these applications!


  1. Nice picture!

    I remember doing those visa applications... of course we were just a family of 3 at the time. But we had gotten re-assigned from Ecuador to Indonesia at the last minute, so they weren't sure we would get our visas in time to go to language school when they wanted us to start. So I filled those puppies out in a matter of a day or two! I sure hoped I had all my t's crossed and all my i's dotted!!! Thankfully everything came through just fine!


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