Daily Photo: Saturday, Jan. 16

Time to catch up on these pictures!

Sean and I had a great time on Saturday night. After my niece's basketball game (they won, by the way) we went and dropped the girls off at Sean's parents house for the night. Since we had plans to leave early in the morning to visit a church on Sunday, it worked out really well for us to leave the youngsters with their grandparents for a slumber party. We don't always take the girls with us to visit churches - it's just much easier for us to focus on what we're doing and actually be able to talk with people when we aren't chasing three girls. Plus, it's more fun for the kids and gives them some quality time with the grandparents.

Anyway, turns out Sean and I got to have a date Saturday night! We went out to eat at the local Thai restaurant and then walked around downtown. They were having an ice fest over the weekend with ice sculptures all over the downtown area. The one below was our favorite! It was cold walking around at night but very pretty. Then we hurried off to the movie theater to watch Avatar. That was so fun! It was a good film. I honestly don't remember the last time I went to a movie...maybe to see Titanic? (Okay, we've been once in the past year and a half...but I don't remember what we saw.)


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