Daily Photo Project: Monday, Jan. 4

We had a busy day today. Sean had a flight student, I caught up on laundry (okay, sort of), I went grocery shopping, Brooklyn and Maddie had a neighbor-friend over, and I took Paige to the doctor when she woke up from her nap acting real sick (no strep! Praise God).....I'm so tired of paying for these doctor visits. Hopefully, our healthier eating will eventually mean better immune systems and less illnesses.

Which brings me to dinner. We enjoyed some tasty coconut rice and veggie kabobs tonight. Yummmmm......


  1. I love your photo project! I will semi decide to do it too. I am soo jealous of your snowy dunes, I am missing snow!! Sounds like a lovely day. Hey are you up for a girls night Saturday?

  2. Bring on the girls night! (I think Sean is flying Saturday - not sure what time but hopefully we can work something out...) Call me.


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