Daily Photo: Monday, Jan. 25

Sean took Maddie with him to take some pictures of the sunset. I made him take her. She was exasperating her sisters (and their mother) to an extreme degree and it was either take her out for fresh air or lock her in a closet.

You think I'm joking.

(Okay, maybe I am. But if Sean didn't take her out of the house for a while I might have locked myself in a closet.)

That girl is wild when she doesn't take her nap. Sadly, we're reaching that in-between stage where naps are no longer a daily occurrence. God help us.

It is a good thing she's so cute. I love the energy and silliness of this three-year-old. Someday, God's going to use that strong little personality in amazing ways, I just know it.

Sean got this picture when Maddie was hanging out of the window in the freezing cold evening air. No, not even the frigid temperatures could dampen her energy.


  1. Oh Rebecca! How precious! I must say I have one of these too, and we threatened to lock her in a rubber room yesterday! But, how sweet they can be too. I'll think we'll keep ours...what about you?

    Hope things are going well for you guys. I know Matt enjoyed talking to Sean yesterday. We're praying for you, and I'm keeping up with your blog to see how everything is going.



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