A New Year!

Wow! It's 2010. Un-bee-lee-va-bul.

So, I hope you've had a joyous holiday season. It's a bit of a let-down to jump back in to ordinary life isn't it? At the same time, it's good to get back into some form of routine. I'm finally catching up on laundry and, well honestly, being a responsible mother again. I'm sure my family appreciates it! I fully enjoyed the little "break" though.

Brooklyn returns to school tomorrow. I'm dreading it. We've just had so much fun with her at home and Madison has loved having her sister around to play with. They've played very well together. It's so fun to watch them! For once, they're getting along. This is huge! I'm sure all the new toys to play with have helped ;-)

2010 is sure to be a big year for our family. I've spent a lot of time lately reflecting on what's to come this year, God willing. The completion of our support-raising. A move to Indonesia. The start of a year of language study. A whole new chapter...again. It's exciting...and daunting. But rather than dwell on the things that scare the living daylights out of me, or the things I dread about leaving, or even the things I can hardly wait for, I'm trying to take this one day at a time.

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, but I do enjoy taking stock and starting fresh. If I did make a resolution for 2010, it would be to truly LIVE it. To take each day, one at a time, and do my best to live it out as well as possible - to be content with today and squeeze every drop of livin' out of it!

I've tossed around the idea of doing a daily photo thing this year. What a perfect year to record that way! (It also helps me stick with my non-resolution!) I'm hesitant to make such a huge commitment but I've seen it done here - Sarah, you are my inspiration!

A picture (at least one) from each day. I'm gonna try....join me?


  1. Oh, that's a great project to do! I wish you luck! :-) I wasn't going to do it again, but I'm in such a habit of taking a picture every day that I don't think I can NOT do it!


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