
I'm always so grateful for my three little girls. They make me laugh so much...and also challenge my sanity on some days. These girls each have such strong and special and unique personalities. I love watching them grow up - though, granted, it is rather bittersweet!

Paige is getting closer and closer to walking. She's also wearing size 18 month clothes - basically skipped 12 month. I suppose this is good, since we had lots of 18 month size clothes...that Maddie was still able to wear a year ago. Yes, Paige is TALL for her age. She turns 1 in two weeks.

Brooklyn is now writing songs. She wrote out the words to some original Christmas Songs the other day: "Christmas is pink and green. Christmas, Christmas is pink and green." And, "Barney the dinosaur is pretty. Christmas, Christmas, I like Christmas!" Sean got out his guitar and added some music. They actually sound pretty cool!

Maddie is always "sick." When she's tired, she tells us she's sick. When she's hungry, she tells us she's sick. When she sees one of us take some medicine, she's sick and needs medicine too. And she still asks for the throw-up bucket on occasion. It's a bad case of the girl who called wolf.

Paige dances. She really gets her groove on when any sort of music is playing. It's adorable.

Maddie talks non-stop. She counts (2,1,5...). She pulls all the ornaments off the Christmas tree. She can't wait for Christmas. She's three. Very much so.

Brooklyn got her report card. They don't give A's, B's, or C's any more. Now schools give out 3's, 2's, and 1's. Brooklyn had all 3's and one 2+. (That means she got straight A's except for a B+ in P.E.) We're so proud!


  1. Woohoo, go Brooklyn! Goodness, where does the time go?! I could swear it was just last week Catie was getting her first politically correct, non-report card. Like you, I had to translate it to real grades. :)

  2. Woohoo, go Brooklyn! Goodness, where does the time go?! I could swear it was just last week Catie was getting her first politically correct, non-report card. Like you, I had to translate it to real grades. :)


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