He's Faithful.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

What a tumultuous week. So many ups and downs! Part of me wants to fall into an exhausted heap and cry. The other part of me is glad - glad to know that character is being built in me that I didn't even know I needed. And faith. My faith is being challenged, tried, proven.

I'll be real honest. Not because I want or need sympathy but because I do hope you'll pray with us. This support raising process is hard. Having done this before in no way prepared me for doing it again. To expect anything to be the same this time around would be silly. Let's just say...I'm kinda silly.

We've had the most encouraging phone calls and talks. And many not-so-encouraging talks too. We've struggled with illness in this house that won't go away. We face, on a daily basis, many unknowns and seemingly insurmountable needs....

The human part of me wants to cry "uncle." But deep down inside, I feel the gentle whisper of a faithful God saying "Persevere, I'm in this with you."

We are confident of His calling. I mean, completely. It's in our marrow, this knowing. It's a fire in our bones, undeniable and painful if ignored. We do not belong here and we spent the past year finding that out the hard way. Though there is plenty we could do here - lots of "good" that we could accomplish - it is not our field, not our calling. We've prayed about it, talked to people we trust about it, searched Scripture, and prayed some more. There's no doubt left. We are called to go.

So, things are...well, real. Not rosy, not perfect. Real. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It's strangely wonderful actually. There's just something about meeting up with challenges when you know that you know that what you are doing is the right thing. There's something about facing those giants with God on your side. Nothing is too much.

It can be done.

He is faithful.


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