
Where did this week go?! It's long gone already and I'm still wanting to tell you all about our weekend!

Okay, so I'm a little late.

Our weekend was awesome.

There, got that done!

No really, we're still coming down off the high that was last weekend. On Saturday, Sean and I got a much needed night out. We went to the local Thai restaurant. Ate Sushi and Curry. Drank two pots of green tea. Enjoyed each other's company. Had uninterrupted conversation. Marveled together that we're headed to that area of the world - the East?!

Sunday morning we got to share with our home church. God showed up! I can't tell you what a blessing this church is to us. Actually, just about every church we share in becomes special to us, each in it's own unique way. There are many churches that have invested in us and helped make us who we are today - churches we went to as kids, churches we attended in the early years of our marriage, churches we've never really gotten to be a part of but love anyway. Actually, we've been in A LOT of churches in our lives! But this church is where we've healed and been re-ignited this past year and for that reason among many, it's just an extra special place to us. To have the opportunity to share our hearts and our ministry with them was incredible and, of course, we were warmly and enthusiastically received. Sean preached in addition to presenting our ministry and WOW! the Holy Spirit just spoke through that man and it was so fun! Yeah, Sean is usually a good speaker and he worked hard on this message...but it wasn't his work that made it so good. God was speaking through Sean and giving him the words to say. It put a huge grin on my face during the service - because I knew it was all God!

It has always been our prayer that during this phase of raising support that we would see it for what it is - ministry! We've prayed all along that lives would be changed as we share what God has done in our lives. Well, lives were changed on Sunday! A woman made the most important decision anyone can make and accepted Christ as her Savior. WOOHHOOO! But many lives were changed, besides that one. (Though for that one soul saved, it was totally worth it - even if nothing else would have happened.) Sean and I each had the special blessing of speaking into people's lives, speaking out of our own experiences and past. Did I mention that it was FUN? You know, it's always fun to see a little fruit come out of your hard work. Especially when you know it had nothing to do with you and everything to do with God :-) It was a huge encouragement for us. HUGE.

Our week has been busy since then with birthday parties and meetings and Christmas programs and shopping and so much more. Our support is coming in little by little. It's all about trusting God. We can only do so much before we realize that this is completely in His hands and His timing. He called. He'll provide. We (learn to) trust.


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