Randomy Randomness

Ate Calvillo's for lunch. That's our favorite local Mexican restaurant. We're pretty sure that Mexican food will be in heaven...in fact, we're suspecting that the Mexican food we ate today came directly from there this morning. Ay, la comida mexicana es la comida celestial...la misma comida que comen los angeles!

We watched "My Life in Ruins" tonight. Pretty good, though not as good as "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." More than anything, I enjoy the opportunity to veg a little bit and laugh with Sean at dumb jokes. Any more it's pretty hard to find a decent movie to watch, though....

Well, this weekend we're off to Cortez, Colorado to speak at a church there. We couldn't be more stoked. We love this! It is such a cool blessing to get to share our ministry and all God has done in our lives with these churches - but I'll be honest, we're usually the ones that get ministered to. We almost always leave with our socks blessed off. I tell ya, God's people rock!

Please pray for our safety as we travel and for our health - we all seem to be fighting something. This fall/early winter has been killer on our immune systems. It would be nice to be well....all of us at once!

On our way over the mountain, we're going to stop by Mesa Verde National Park. I've been there before but Sean hasn't. It'll be fun, though most of the sights to see are closed this time of year. Hopefully, we can go back later to get a better look at some of the dwellings. We are so glad we went ahead and got the National Park Yearly Pass - we'll basically get in for free this time. We're hoping we'll have the chance to hit up some more national parks in the next several months. Just a fun thing for our family to do when we can. I'm sure there might be a picture or two to share when we get back.

By the way, thanks to those of you who have been commenting...LOVE it!

Okay, it's getting late and Sergeant Strict (a.k.a. Sean) has plans to leave early tomorrow. I'd better get to bed.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

(Someday, I'll give a little background and the full story behind the whole "Sergeant Strict" thing....no time tonight, though, getting up at 0500.)


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