In which I ramble without apology

It's another lovely, unseasonably warm November day. I'm grateful for the warmth...and wondering when the real snow will come. I'm getting anxious this year for Holiday Cheer! I'm resisting, though, the urge to turn on the Christmas music. Normally, this isn't a problem for me because I don't like to be tired of Christmas by the time it actually comes - but this year is different, I'm overly anxious to enjoy all that Thanksgiving and Christmas have to offer. This is probably our last traditional holiday season for a few years. A year from now, God willing, we'll be in Indonesia.

Indonesia. I still can't wrap my head around it. Will I ever get used to the idea?

Maddie was up a lot in the middle of the night last night. I'm not really sure what that was all about. She did have a very mild fever, but she didn't act sick. She acted....AWAKE! I woke up at 3:45 a.m. to the sound of her whining from the living room that she was cold. No idea how long she was out there. She was curled up in a ball on our recliner. I put her back to bed and gave her some Motrin just in case. Then she was back in the room crawling into bed with me. Then she was out of my bed again and going to her bed (I thought). Then she was back in our room saying she needed to go potty. Then she was gone. Then she was back again complaining that she couldn't reach the light in the bathroom. I got up and helped her with that. Then she was in our room again with cold, wet hands (she'd been playing in the sink we discovered), asking for milk. Then she was telling Daddy to get up. Then he was up and she was sound asleep on the recliner. This was all before 6 a.m. She's still asleep (we moved her to her bed) and it's after 9 o'clock. Maddie is our best sleeper...strange.

We spent a great deal of time the past few days fixing up our bathroom. It was so ugly with wallpaper that must have been original to the house (built in the early 70's) and some weird additions done by a well-meaning but not skilled do-it-yourselfer that made it awkward and dingy. We pulled wallpaper and painted, painted, painted. The toilet and bathtub are still gold and it's still a little awkward with the sink crammed into a corner and the light fixture cock-eyed. Oh well. It still looks soooo much better! What a little paint will do...

This is what it looked like when we bought the house

A year later we finally got it done!

I had a very strange dream last night. It was one of those that made me wake up really mad at Sean and riddled with mommy guilt too. I jumped out of bed ready to pummel Sean and make sure that Brooklyn was well-dressed for school (in my dream Sean sent her off to school without pants while I slept). Ah, the human subconscious mind...

Well, Madison is now up and acting perky as ever. I suppose I should get around and try to whittle away at that laundry pile again.


  1. I love the new look of your blog! Where did you get it? Also, the bathroom looks wonderful. I love before and after shots!

  2. The blog template came from Simply
    Fabulous Blogger Templates. If you click on "made by lena" at the bottom of my blog it will take you to the webpage - there were lots of cool ones to choose from....and they're free!

  3. Cute birdie! Love the look :-)

    Just wanted to say - about not being able to wrap your head around Indonesia... if you are anything like me, you will have been here for a few years, and STILL not quite wrap your head around it! :-)


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