The House of Infirmity

Well, I've stayed away from this blog about as long as I could stand. Honestly, the past couple of weeks have been more about surviving than anything else. Our house was hit pretty hard with a terrible stomach bug. Okay, the house wasn't hit...we humans were.

On Saturday night and Sunday, Sean wasn't quite up to par. He complained about tummy aches and achey-ness but basically was able to go about his business.

On Tuesday night, Madison began throwing up. I spent the night on the couch with her, helping her reach her bucket when needed. Poor thing. Wednesday was her 3rd birthday. All our plans for a big party were dashed. We did let her open her presents from us and that helped some. At least she had something new to look at while she sat in the chair all day. She choked down some birthday cake for dinner. It was sad and pathetic.

On Thursday morning I woke up feeling like I was getting a cold. It wasn't until about 9 a.m. that my stomach started feeling kinda sick. Things went downhill fast. Ugh. I don't think I've been that sick in more than 10 years. I realized at some point that I needed help! I called Sean and I'm glad I did. In the hour or so that it took him to get home, I became nearly incoherent. I was so sick. Luckily, I had managed to get Paige down for a nap but Maddie had destroyed the living room by the time he got home! I could hear her getting into things but didn't have the strength to deal with it. Thank the Lord, it passed rather quickly. This morning I feel weak and dehydrated but nearly normal already.

I'm praying that Brooklyn and Paige somehow escape this bug. We're planning a road trip in a couple of days and I can't imagine anything worse than traveling with puking kids. Oh Lord, keep them healthy!


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