So, here we go again....

Well, I mentioned that we were in Idaho for a special reason. Here's a clue....

That is a Quest Kodiak. It's a new airplane....very cool and I'm really not that into airplanes.

But we didn't go to see the Kodiak.

The Kodiak is tool. It's a special airplane - the first to be designed and built for bush flying....mission flying to be more specific.

And that would be one of the first Kodiaks to be used in the field by Mission Aviation Fellowship. That particular airplane is, I believe, on its way to Papua, Indonesia.

Which brings us to the real reason we traveled to Idaho.

We were at MAF headquarters.

Rejoining MAF.

That's right. Sean and Becca are at it again! We're MAF missionaries once again. And it couldn't feel more right.

After much (much, much, much) prayer, we came to an important realization. We're called to foreign missions. As wonderful and truly blessed as our past year back in the States has been, we now know that God didn't design us for this life. We can't truly be happy and at peace unless we know we are in that sweet spot - the perfect will of God. For us that apparently involves weird foods, strange customs, and long airplane rides. I'm kidding, of course. There's more to it than that!

There's so much I want to share about what God has done and how we came to this rather crazy decision. I don't think this blog could contain all the awesome miracles and clear signs we've had over the past several months. We're scared and happy and sad and humbled and excited and a million other things all at once.

A few months ago, we began a rather intense process of seeking God on what our future should look like. Near the beginning of that process we happened upon a Billy Graham article written over 25 years ago. In it, Billy asks a question that challenged everything we thought we knew about what we wanted - "Are you willing to bring all your energies to bear for the sake of Christ? You have a variety of gifts and talents that could change the world if put into the hands of Christ."

It was around the time I first read that article that I began having heart palpitations. Seriously. And they didn't really stop until the day that our friends at MAF said, "With no reservations we welcome you back!"

Through that article and tons of other articles, blogs, sermons, Scriptures, and even our daily Oswald Chambers readings, God gently - clearly - showed us that it was time to go again. It was like God was saying - "Hey, I could really use you out here. I've gifted you in a specific way and I'm not done using those gifts to build my Kingdom...and your faith!"

I haven't even scratched the surface here. I'm sure so much more will come out over the next several months.

But what does this mean for now? I'm glad you asked!

In a nutshell, it means we're headed overseas again. This time to Indonesia. Though it would have been nice to return to Latin America - especially to Ecuador - that door seems to be shut to us now. So, we get a fresh start in a completely, utterly, entirely different country, language, and culture. Buckle up, Buttercup!

Right now we are back to raising our ministry support team. We have both a one-time and a monthly support goal to reach. Next summer we'll do some training that MAF requires of us and then, hopefully, ship out to language school (yes, that again too). We'll learn Bahasa Indonesia (in case you wondered what they spoke there) in a small city called Salatiga on the island of Java. There is a great school there for Brooklyn and the younger two will have childcare while Sean and I are at our language classes. Language school lasts about a year. After that, we'll head off to one of the many MAF bases in Indonesia (it will take some time for the exact location to be nailed down so stay tuned for those specifics).

So, now that I've convinced you that we're crazy, I'd like to ask for your prayers. This has been a very difficult decision and it means some very drastic changes in our lives. We're not the only ones affected by this decision either. This is huge and we need prayer coverage like never before.

We're working on a new prayerletter - if by chance you'd like to receive our letters by mail or email and haven't ever been on our mailing list, feel free to email us your info at rlcannon1 at gmail dot com.

Well, so there is our big news. We're so excited and we're so blessed that we get to take you along with us on this blog too :-)


  1. Yay! We're so glad to have you headed our way - or at least to our country! :-) We're hoping for Papua and maybe even Wamena!!!

    We'd love to get your newsletters - I think it's pretty easy for you to add us to your mailing list... of course I'll still keep up with you via your blog :-) Blessings!!!

  2. I am so thrilled you guys are going to Indonesia!! That will be so fun to have you in the same country as us. We're, of course, hoping you'll end up with us in Kalimantan. But I'm sure that God will use you in great ways at whatever base you end up. In the meantime, i just have to say "Selamat!" (Congrats in Indonesian)

  3. Yes, Honey, "here we go again!". I'm so proud of you and scared and excited and happy and sad and ...... well, you know! Love you soooooooooo much! Mom

  4. We are so happy and thrilled for this news. God bless you guys. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Please add us to your list to receive your letters.

    Love and blessings to you both and those precious little girls from Rick and Sharon LaBouef

  5. Awesome! We're so excited for you! Love you and your family!

    ~April and family

  6. your mom's comment made me tear up. :(

    welcome back to the life of the crazies! i'm happy for you...and sad for you (leaving your family). but, mostly happy. ;) and excited. and interested to see what this road leads to. still love following you on the blog.

  7. Hi Becca, I think I became "unsubscribed" to your blog but I'd like to be subscibed again. :-) Love to you all!

  8. Just so you're doubly dead to us now!

  9. Ouch! Just so you know, Irwins, we still love you :-) Just be sure you bring some Uva Fanta (Fanta Uva?) to Indonesia when you come.


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