Road Trip!

Well, hello! I've been gone a long time. We got back yesterday from a long ten-day road trip. There was one big reason for our trip, and news about that is forthcoming but I just wanted to share some pictures from part of our adventure. We drove to Idaho (for said "special" reason) and spent several days there before returning home. On our return trip, we decided to take a couple of extra days to drive through Yellowstone and Teton National Parks. It was an awesome time! Though we really only got to spend one day in the parks, it was a great family time.

Our girls were incredible travelers. I'm a firm believer in DVD players and Redbox rentals when traveling long distances. Seriously. It just made our trip so much less stressful since the girls were entertained the whole way. While I attribute much of the calm and peace in the car to theatrical distraction, I must also note that the girls were also just simply very good. We didn't get out the DVD player on our day through Yellowstone or Teton because we wanted them to take in the beauty and wildlife with us...and they still did great! They made us very proud.

Okay, here are some pictures from our mini-vacation. What great memories! I'll stick to pictures of our family because I know Sean has hundreds of beautiful pictures of the scenery and wildlife that we saw. Check out his blog for that stuff.


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