
Oh, what a week.

Do I say that every Friday? It sure feels like I do. Even if it is redundant, I mean it with every fiber of my being each time I say it...


Sicknesses. We've been a little sick around here again this week - Paige and Maddie are looking rather pathetic with runny noses. However, they've had no fevers and they act fairly normal...as long as they can breathe. Brooklyn had a bad day yesterday with a high fever and very bad ear infection. She'd had an ear infection a couple of weeks back but it seemed to get better. The doc had written us a prescription for antibiotics and pain reliever if we needed it but she also encouraged us to wait a while before starting antibiotics as at least 80% of ear infections are viral anyway. (The new research on ear infections is kind of interesting. Ask me anything about it. I've researched it a lot lately...specifically at around 1 a.m. when my little girl wakes me up crying about her ear!) Anyway, we waited on the antibiotics and the ear seemed better but then Brooklyn went on a field trip and going over the mountain pass seemed to aggravate her poor little ear. She was really hurting Wednesday night and then the fever spiked on Thursday. We got the antibiotics plus tons of different types of pain relievers and that seems to be doing the trick. My poor little girl.

Truck. We've been working on selling our truck lately, with not much success. We did get an offer on the truck today, but it was way below our asking price. However, it is the first offer we've had in over 3 weeks of trying to sell the thing and we'd REALLY like to be done with it by the end of the month. Hmmm.... what to do, what to do? Go ahead and take the lower price (knowing we won't get every dime we want to anyway) or wait and hope for a better offer? Just so you know, I hate selling cars. And this is why.

Babysitting. I love having Audrey here during the week. (And I'm not just saying that because her Mommy reads this blog!) It has been so good for Maddie to have somebody to play with during the days and frees me up to get more done around the house. The two little twerps can really fight, but it seems to be getting better as they learn how to play together. Right now they are playing outside. I can see them out the window climbing the ladder to the monkey bars only to come right back down again when they realize they can't reach the bars. They keep trying though. And they are taking turns and cheering each other on. This is great! (just so you know, not long after I wrote this, I had to go outside to break up a fight. Then I promptly brought them inside, washed their hands and faces and sent them to bed! Whew!)

Chickens. We're getting 4 to 6 eggs every day. We have four dozen eggs in the fridge right now and I have no idea how we'll keep up eating all these eggs! I suppose I could sell them, but I'd rather just give them away to friends and family. It's been so fun, though, learning how to care for the pollos. They are so easy it's almost ridiculous. We pretty much let them roam all over our back yard and occasionally I'll glance out the window to see either a herd of chickens dashing terrified across the yard (afraid of who knows what)...or a little *ahem* action going on with the rooster and one of his ladies. I did not know that chickens....did that. Like I said - we're learning a lot.

Crawling. Paige is on the move. She crawls now and it's nearly impossible to keep things out of her mouth. Play-dough, Polly Pocket clothes, crumbs, paper, dirty shoes - there's always something in her mouth. And she's also figured out how to get around the house and go wherever she wants to. Heaven help us when she starts walking.

Unplugging. I've been thinking hard about backing away from the computer some. I am seriously addicted to the internet - to blogs, facebook and email especially. (And watching "Corner Gas" on Youtube.) It's probably reached a point of being a tad unhealthy. The internet is my connection to the outside world - and as a stay at home mommy, I need something! But the truth is, I've realized that I'm not really living real life here. It's going to be SO HARD, but I've decided to unplug for a few weeks. I'm not done blogging, but I do need a break so that I can get my priorities straight. I need to allow myself to enjoy the silence, to be at peace with where I am, to seek God rather than some tidbit of information on the world wide web. I love "news" (especially from friends and family) but I need to back away from all that and just be. My greatest fear as that all my kids will remember about me is that I spent all day sitting here at the computer in my own little world while they were ignored and allowed to watch movies all day. ICK.

So, this is a good-bye of sorts. I'll be back...in about a month. I'm sure I'll be brimming with tidbits (however uninteresting they may be) to share with you...

Until then, I leave you with this:
Paige Abby at 9 months


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