Nothing says "homey" like homemade applesauce

Mom gave me a huge batch of apples yesterday. Rather than make applesauce the old-fashioned way, I found a recipe and modified it a bit to make Roasted Applesauce. Oh. my. goodness. This is just too good not to share....

Roasted Applesauce

Apples (about 3 pounds)
Vegetable or Canola Oil (about 1 Tb.)
Maple syrup (at least 1/4 cup)
Dash of cinnamon (or cardamon, nutmeg, ginger - whatever sounds good to you)

Peel and chop the apples and then mix with the other ingredients. I used way more maple syrup than the recipe called for - mostly because our maple syrup is homemade (with maple flavoring) and a little runnier and not so strongly flavored. If you had pure maple syrup, I'm sure 1/4 cup is plenty! The oil is just to keep the apples from sticking, so you don't need very much of that at all. I used 6 very large apples - you can use as many or as little apples as you have on hand. You can easily adjust the rest of the ingredients for more or less apples and according to your personal tastes without ruining this....

Place the mixture of apples, oil, syrup, and spices into a glass baking dish and "roast"uncovered in the oven at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes or until apples are tender.

Let cool a while and then pulse the roasted apples in your blender, making the sauce as smooth or chunky as you like. (You may have lots of fluid in the bottom of the pan, leave it out of the blender to begin with and then add it in bit by bit if the sauce needs more liquid.)

Dish it up warm or cold, on oatmeal, graham crackers, or anything else you like...or all by itself.

It tastes like fall.....


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