No bloggy mucho

And evening walk...back when it was still summer! Fall is in the air now :-)
Oh, it's been so busy around here. Madison has really stepped things up, so to speak, with her sister gone to school all day. I feel like I have to constantly be "on" - it's either me or Dora keeping this girl entertained and it seems to me that even Dora is getting a little worn out.

We're adjusting.

Brooklyn loves school and she's doing great. I'm glad she's there - it really does appear to be the best choice for her. I don't like that she has homework to do each night now. Good grief! She's in school ALL DAY LONG. Surely, she should get a break. Last night was actually our first night doing the homework together and it went pretty awful. She was so tired and Maddie really wanted to be in the middle of things. I'm sure we'll figure it out (cause we have to) but it does seem a tad excessive for a kindergartner to be required to do homework...a.k.a. for Mommy to have to do homework! The cool thing is, Brooklyn is already reading some sight words and even spelling them. Neat-o!

Sean is sick today and hasn't even gotten out of bed. He spent most of the night awake (so I did too). I feel sorry for the guy - this bug really knocked him down and that doesn't usually happen. Obviously, he's not going to work. I'm just hoping I'll get a nap sometime too. I know I have whatever he does, just not as bad yet and I'd like some good rest so it doesn't get worse!

It's getting chilly around these parts. Really, summer is too short in Colorado. I blinked and it was gone. The late and early frosts didn't help. Our garden is kaput. Everything froze almost a month ago already. It's ridiculous. This is just no place to live off the land. I want to enjoy gardening, I really do, but I find it too frustrating when things can go so wrong so fast and then you're just up a creek! Our tomatoes are still doing great - in fact, I need to go pick several. We got some broccoli, a cauliflower, some carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, and potatoes (plus lettuce and radishes that we didn't really eat for some reason). That's nothing to sneeze at...but we didn't have enough to freeze or can, which I was really hoping for...and things like green beans, peppers, and corn didn't do a thing. The corn and peppers were a gamble but green beans usually do well here! Sigh. I'm very glad we don't actually have to depend on the garden for sustenance for the whole year. Could you imagine? I guess we'd survive on potatoes and wild game....

Well, that's the update for now. God is doing some incredible things in our lives and in the lives of people very close to us. I'm in such a state of awe these days! I can't wait to share what it's all about but it isn't the right time. Just's BIG!


  1. Love the photo!

    I hate to hear about homework for Kindergarten--I actually talked on a radio show about this topic of the pressure-cooker of Kindergarten. Some of the articles and research is talking about how stressed out kids are getting and how they feel like failures. I love that you are creating a home environment of love, joy, fun and acceptance that can counteract any possible pressures...though she doesn't seem pressured at all from your story; rather she seems to be loving school!

    What a great childhood you're giving them!

    As for the garden, I'm very sorry about your short growing year. What a bummer to imagine my tomatoes kaput already! Nightmare!

    Indiana is a Midwestern state with rich soil and lots of farming communities. We seem, by the grace of God, to be able to grow things. A nice long growing season is one of our advantages.

    But you've got the beautiful topography. Central and northern Indiana is flat--topographically speaking, a major snoozer.

  2. Off to Dallas for the weekend, let's all get together next week or sometime soon!

  3. A&I,
    Dallas?! Well, have fun and be safe. Yes, definitely, let's get together soon! Let us know when you are home and have a free night - maybe we can try a fire in the kiva again....

  4. Ann,
    Thanks for the comment! Yes, I love our Colorado views! I guess the price we pay for such scenery is cold winters and short summers :-) I'd love a longer growing season though...


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