Take a Hike

On Saturday, we took a little family hike. It was more or less an experiment to see how our family of five would do in the mountains. The girls each did great. Brooklyn's our little trooper and led the way with Duke. Maddie really impressed us considering she's only two and a half. Every once in a while she'd stop and say she couldn't go any further. But we'd entice her with lunch and a cookie if she went just a little farther up the hill and she found the strength to keep truckin'! Paige really did great in the backpack. She fell asleep on Daddy's neck by the end of the ordeal. It was a hot day, with lots of sun, and lots of bugs. It was also just really, really nice to be up in the mountains, enjoying nature. We even saw bear scat. We think. We didn't stick around to verify that. Actually, I'm sure we were plenty loud enough to scare any bears or other wildlife off! If you've been around our family, you understand what I mean.

Just starting out.

I love this picture Sean got of Brooklyn with the San Luis Valley in the background.
She did finally get her cookie, as you can see. We ended up having to make Maddie wear Sean's hat some of the time so her little fair scalp didn't burn (we all had lots of sunscreen on too).

That hat just gets me every time she wears it.


  1. Oh I love it! Where was the hike? Looks like fun!

  2. It was the Mosca Pass Trail up by the Dunes. It's about 3.5 miles long, I think, but we didn't come close to finishing it! We hiked for an hour and then turned back. A great place to go esp. since you have the family pass like we do!


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