
I want to blog something...but I'm not sure where this is going yet! Maybe we're due for a little family update? Good. Here goes:
  • Paige now has two little teeth. It seems like she's jumping over all these milestones a little too fast for my comfort -she's the last one, you know, and that makes me awful sentimental. I'm enjoying every bit and piece of her babyhood. She's precious. It's hard not to squish her too hard. Does anybody else have that issue - when something is soft and squishy do you grit your teeth and nearly want to squeeze the pudding out of it? Poor Paige. Sometimes, I have to just set her down so I don't bruise her with love. She's very patient with all the kisses she gets on those soft, chubby cheeks.
  • Maddie continues to grow too fast for my comfort too. She's mostly potty-trained and she has a very extensive vocabulary...because she talks so much. She's the wild one, always trying to get a laugh out of people. Her favorite thing is to grab something out of your hands and run away with it while hollering, "You'll never get it back now!" Grandpa's hat and Daddy's pen are especially enticing. This kid keeps us on our toes these days!
  • Brooklyn is becoming such a little lady. Oh my. She's very much ready for school to start. It's fun to see her maturing. She's very helpful around the house and can take care of the dog and cat on her own if we ask her to. Brooklyn has really gotten into drawing and coloring and she's getting so good! At first it frustrated her that she couldn't draw perfectly (she gets that from me) but now she has much more confidence. She can figure out what letter a word starts with and she writes it next to her drawing to represent the word for the object. I think she's ready to start reading and spelling!
  • Life around home has been very busy. Sean has is taking classes online to complete his college degree. Now it's his turn to spend all his free time doing homework! Poor guy, he works so hard just making a living so our family can eat and then he has to spend hours doing math homework. It makes me very proud of him...and also very glad that I'm done with that! Doing school with a family is HARD! Especially during a shortened summer session...and a difficult math class to boot! We're looking forward to the end of this semester, for sure.


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