I Love My Baby...in Sepia

Sean got these pictures of Paige last week at the park. Oh. My.

We've been really terrible at getting our Sunday baby pictures taken every week. It's been months since we've managed that. Oh well. Suffice it to say, she's growing and changing plenty fast. I can't believe she's already 7 months old!

My baby!

She could stay this size as long as she wants. I'm in no hurry to see her grow up. I suppose most parents are this way when they know it's their last baby. Well, and Paige is so doggone sweet and easygoing - she really makes my job easy. Okay, easier. We all know that being mom to three little girls under 6 is a HUGE job.

I'm beginning to feel just a tad bit underpaid.

And just in case you wondered, yes, those cheeks really are as soft and sweet and kissable as they look in the pictures :-)


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