Snapshots from the past couple of weeks...

Backyard camping and hot dog roast. They were forced to come in at 1:00 a.m. because of rain. Sean was glad...somehow we lost his sleeping pad in the past umpteen moves and, well, he ain't 17 anymore. I slept great in my nice soft bed, though! One of these days, we are going camping. At this stage, it's a rather daunting task with three little people under 6....this was hard enough! But it must be done!

Working in the garden. This has been FUN. We have no idea what we're doing but we look good doing it!

Paige's first solids. Yeah, she liked it!

Lots of rain and cooler weather. I had just caught those girls licking the rainwater off of the swingset. And we wonder how they get sick so often. I could have at least cropped out the clothesline and lovely makeshift clothespin bag...but then you wouldn't see the awesome new clothesline my hubby and daddy made for me!


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