
A little newsy news for you direct from Cannon Acres (okay just one acre but that doesn't sound as cool):
  • Paige is getting big! She's up to 15 lbs already. I can't believe it. I took her in for some immunizations yesterday and she was devastated. Broke my heart. The nurses were so sweet and talking to her and got her all smiley and then they jabbed her in the leg. I think it bothered her more that they betrayed her friendliness than the actual needles being shoved in her chubby thighs. Poor baby. But she's all better now.
  • And WOW what a different experience I had at the County Health Nurse's office than I did at the clinic where I took Madison for her immunizations in Ecuador. It's actually comical. And a post in itself.
  • Our cat ran away. I'm not surprised. I'm hoping he'll show up again. But really, why would he stick around? Good grief, we locked him in a shed for a week. (Only because we were told to do that by the guy at the animal shelter). Sigh.
  • We are moving along pretty well with Maddie's potty training. Considering that I'm doing a terrible job of really staying on top of it, she's doing amazingly well. I'm so glad she has a big sister who encourages her to go "polly in the polly chair"and to stop "poopin in her pannies." Don't you love it when mothers shamelessly advertise their child's potty training success on the internet?
  • This has been a really good week. God is teaching me so much. This is a season of life where I have been way outside my comfort zone, emotionally speaking. Basically, I'm still processing all that has happened in the past several years. You don't come back from the mission field and just slide right back in to your old life. You are changed. It's normal and actually quite wonderful! But I hadn't been dealing with my feelings in the most healthy manner. Now that I realize that, and am taking steps to stop stuffing down all these feelings (both good and bad), things are bubbling up that need to be felt and processed. A bonus side-effect is new habits that are being developed! This is a season of looking inward and allowing God to help me process all of the amazing and sometimes not-so-pleasant experiences I had in our term as missionaries. And really, its more good than bad, but I just hadn't allowed myself the opportunity to truly reflect. I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but its a beautiful process that God is allowing me to experience. I'm finally able to develop some new and better habits based not on my own willpower but God's all-sufficient grace. I feel like an overcomer...probably for the first time in my life. I share all of this not to highlight my own emotional baggage but to remind myself and everyone else - God is good and He loves us and through Christ Jesus we can overcome any obstacle....even ourselves! Oh, victory in Jesus, my Saviour, Forever.......
  • Brooklyn told me the other day that she wasn't ever going to move out. She wants to stay in this house forever. She honestly can't seem to be able to imagine a life without her parents and sisters in this house...and by golly, she's moved enough in her lifetime, so I can't blame her. As far as I'm concerned we can all stay here, together, forever. Wonder what her feelings will be about ten years from now?


  1. Thanks for your honesty and openness about what you are going through as you've returned to America after being overseas. As much as you feel comfortable doing so, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and feelings about the whole process. I know that I will go through much the same myself someday, whether sooner or later... I'd love to know what you're thinking and processing.

    On the lighter side - yay for potty training! The hardest part is on the parents' end, isn't it?! It's so hard to make a consistent effort! But just think - only one in diapers!

    Enjoy your chubby baby! I have people ask me all the time about Claire - "was she a preemie?!" - becuase she is so tiny. I think she is about 16 lbs now at a year old! Makes it easier on Mommy's back, though!!! :-)

    Blessings to you,


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