The Oldest

I came across these pictures that Sean got of Brooklyn a few days ago. She's growing up way too fast. Being the oldest, Brooklyn ends up getting less of the attention and more of the responsibilities. Brooklyn winds up doing more chores around the house. She is asked to help when Mommy or Daddy is busy with the baby. She gets fewer perks now that she's older...and she really takes it all in stride.

Brooklyn is an excellent helper. Don't get me wrong, she complains sometimes. But other times, she runs to get Maddie's blankie for me before I even ask. She loves her little sisters and, though there are often days she wants to be left alone, there are other days that she plays so patiently with Madison. She's bossy like any big sister is (I should know, I have one. hee, hee) but she's also very kind and thoughtful.

Brooklyn is becoming quite the little lady and some days, I feel sad for her with all the unfairness of being the oldest child. I wonder if we expect too much of her. But, the honest truth is that she wants to help - she wants to help cook, she loves opening the garage door for us, she's an expert with the DVD player and TV, and she can make a mean bed. As she gets older, there are certain things only she can do that her little sisters can't. She doesn't have to take a nap, she can go outside by herself, she can paint at the table by herself... She knows that when Madison and Paige are napping, she can do all kinds of fun things that they are still too little for. In the end, it probably balances out.

It's both heartbreaking and exciting to see our little girl grow up. She's turning out pretty darn awesome so far, considering she's been our little guinea pig from the day of her birth! She has a sweet spirit about her, she's smart, she's funny, she's pretty....and she's my little girl. We have some pretty interesting little talks these days and she's so inquisitive that it scares me! I have no doubt that we'll butt heads over the years. She's as strong-willed and stubborn and independent as I am.

I can't know what the future will hold for my little girl, but I know Who holds her future. And oh, isn't it fun to imagine? I adore it when Brooklyn tells me her detailed plans for her future. Her dreams of getting married, having children of her own. Her desire to never stray too far from home while at the same time wanting to go and do and be so many different things. She's so much like me in that sense too - a dreamer if there ever was one! I know she's only five and there will be many dreams yet to come, but I really hope that I get to stay in those dreams of hers, that someday she and I can be as close as I am with my own mother, that we can talk in person or on the phone and both feel perfectly safe to share whatever is on our hearts and minds - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I love her with all my heart, that oldest girl of mine...


  1. what a pretty little girl.

    i have no idea why i didn't think of you when i was scrolling through the rebeccas in the rolodex of my brain. my mind went back to my childhood/college days rebeccas only for some reason. ;) anyway, read your blog every time you post (you are in my bloglines list) and am still loving it...just wanted to let you know that even though i don't always comment. and LOVED that song you posted the other day...even googled that church and found out the whole story...very interesting.

    have a great day!

  2. How funny! Yeah, I subscribe to your blog on bloglines too. I'm not very good at commenting over there either, so no worries! But I do really enjoy reading your stories of missionary motherhood.

    Yes, New Life Church has had its fair share of troubles over the years. But their worship band is one of my favorites...



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