To Blog or Not To Blog

Lately, I've really been evaluating whether I want to keep this blog up or not. When I'm this busy, it's hard to find the time...and, well, my life just isn't all that exciting any more. I'm not decided yet how things are going to go. Part of me is done blogging but the other part of me is not able to give it up. I'm just not sure what I should do.

I'm blogging tonight to give a quick update while I wait for the pizza to finish cooking. I love homemade pizza. I borrowed my Mom's bread machine and it whips up a good dough in no time flat. I HATE kneading dough. Anyway, I haven't made this in a while since I sold my other bread maker in one of our moves (I don't remember which one). It electrocuted anybody who tried to sneak a peak anyway. And if you touched the dough while it was plugged in? FOGETTABOUTIT. It was very...shocking.

I know. Ha. Ha.

Okay, I'm way off-subject! Here's a quick update:
  • I feel very grown up. I am now officially a board member of a local ministry/outreach/non-profit. Valley Horizons is a ministry that helps young, pregnant mothers transition to motherhood and self-sufficiency by providing them with a transitional maternity home and other assistance. Above all, the goal is to reach these girls for Christ. Right now we have about enough money to keep going through June this year and no home for the girls. And yes, there is a need for a place like this ASAP, as we've had some girls call in need of help already. I'm so excited that God opened the door for me to be a part of this and I believe so much in this ministry that I volunteered to do some grant writing and fund raising. (ACK! Pray for me. Raising money is not ever easy. But God is also faithful, and I believe He can provide even in tough economic times) If we do ever get a home, I hope to help out there as well. Hey, if you have any desire to contribute to this ministry, please let me know by leaving a comment here (I won't publish it if you don't want me to but I'll at least get the message) or by phone, if you have my number or by any other way that you can think of :-) We'd love some one-time, semi-regular, and regular supporters and we also have a list a mile long of things we need (a home is at the top of that list, in case you have an extra house in the Alamosa area)! Please pray for this awesome ministry.
  • This house is diseased. We've been sick about three out of the past four weeks. This week, it's a stomach bug. Maddie was out yesterday and most of today. Brooklyn was suddenly striken about two hours ago. Ugh.
  • Please pray for our friends in Ecuador and the MAF program there. Without going into much detail, the future of that ministry is very uncertain. Specifically, you can pray for a meeting between our MAF leaders and Ecuadorian government officials happening tomorrow morning that may decide the future of MAF in Ecuador.
  • How about this Daylight Savings? It's been a HUGE adjustment for me this time. I do enjoy the light evenings but, man, mornings are rough!
Well, the pizza is done. And cold. I take too long to write. This is why I rarely ever blog. Even a "short" post takes me ages to write. Better go. The family is hungry.


  1. Don't even think of not blogging! I was about send you an email to a OK, so you led a charged up life in interesting places. Now you are in a "normal" life situation. So why isn't that interesting? Some of us old buzzards like to be reminded of how the youinger set lives..
    Thanks for deciding to keep blogging. (No pressure!)

    Omer Troyer


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