Not Again....

First of all, thank you all for the comments. I love them!

Madison appears to be a little sick again. Last night she had a fever of 102. I gave her Tylenol before bed and she seemed fine. This morning her temperature is around 100. She's got a yucky-sounding cough and those glassy eyes that are a telltale sign that things aren't right.

What is the deal?!

As far as I know, we haven't even been around anybody sick in a few weeks. (i.e. we weren't around my sister's family...just kidding!) How did she get this?

We've been more sick here more often than we ever were overseas. We tested fate everyday by eating in roadside open-air restaurants where stray dogs and chickens hang around for scraps. My kids popped filthy strawberries in their mouths at the market. We rode on public buses jam-packed with all sorts of germ-y people. But our immunities were not prepared for every cold, flu, and stomach bug that populates the United States of America. It's been utterly ridiculous.

I suppose this is just another adjustment to life in the United States. I keep forgetting that we've barely been here for 6.5 months. We're still adjusting apparently. I can't imagine that there is still a strain of illness out there that hasn't visited our happy home....


  1. NOOOOO! Not again!! Oh, dear. We were going to come see you in a couple of days, but now.... :-)Audrey's on day two of no cough and no runny nose...a first for WEEKS. Our doctor says it's just been a terrible season for lots of kids. I guess we all need to go to Ecuador to get well.

  2. Hey Rebecca,

    Same thing happened to us - I think it is the fact that everything is closed in during the winter. All of those open air restaurants in Ecuador don't really let germs linger I guess.

  3. I am s o sad that the only memories of Ecuador are nasty things, but it is the reality of the Land.
    There is so many little things that I miss and the people and their friendship.
    You take the good with the bad I guess, it is also a third world country that in not way you can compare to the USA.
    I hope you can adjust to your new life in the USA and that the bad experien ces that you had from your staying overseas can glorify The Lord in whatever ministry you will get involved here in the USA.
    God bless you and protect you in your new life here in the USA.

  4. Dear Anonymous, Please don't misunderstand me! My memories of Ecuador are anything but nasty. I have wonderful memories of Ecuador and I miss it everyday. We had many wonderful experiences, made dear friends, and will always hold our memories of Ecuador dearly. We'd go back in a heartbeat, if the Lord opened that door. We see clearly that we are supposed to be here right now, just the same as we were supposed to be "there" back then. God is so cool that way!

    It's true that people aren't quite so "sanitary" there - and yes, like any third-world country, there were some pretty "gross" things we had to realize weren't as awful as we Americans thought - but we discovered that the immunities build up and you end up getting sick less often! In fact, being exposed to more germs in a less insanely sanitary environment was good for us.

    We're in the process, I guess, of building up our immunities to the bugs and stuff here in the US. From what we've heard this is quite common!


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