Friday already?

Yet another week has sped on by. I can't believe we're nearing the end of March. This has been a good week. Here's a little update:

  • My sister and nieces were down for Spring Break. We had an awesome time. We had great adventures getting pedicures (that's a whole other story), going swimming, and just hanging out. I love that we get to see each other more than once a year now! Sometimes more than once a month!
  • I'm trying to figure out how on earth I'll ever complete all my schoolwork. I know it will happen somehow (it always does). I'm not exactly behind yet...but if I continue at my current rate I will be! I had hopes that I would be able to do some work after the big girls go to bed but that is Paige's most "needy" time. By the time I get Paige down for the night at around 11:30 pm, I'm too exhausted to even think about doing homework. Thank goodness this is my last semester.
  • We got a cat last weekend. We've seen lots of mice outside (not in the house yet thank goodness) and figured it might not be a bad idea to have some outdoor kitties. We finally found a nice, friendly full-grown Tom cat at the animal shelter. We'd been looking for a long time and apparently nobody wants to give a cat to somebody who won't let it inside. Good grief. Anyway, we found this guy and adopted him. He's been fixed and he's huge. Turns out toms aren't considered to be very good mousers but at least his smell may deter some rodents. We'll probably get at least one more outdoor kitty. Right now we're keeping him in a shed till he learns this is his new home. His name is Cesar, Gato, Cat, Sneezer, Tabbey, etc. depending on who you ask. Anybody care to share their opinion on the matter?! Seriously, Sean and I have this discussion at least once a day and Brooklyn is completely confused. I'm kind of reluctant to name him until we know he'll stick around....
  • It snowed A LOT last night! There is nearly a foot of snow out there. This is the most snow we've had all winter. I've already had the girls out there. They both wore out quickly because traipsing through such deep snow with short legs is work! There is supposed to be more snow coming...I was really getting excited for Spring and Summer, but this is pretty cool too.
  • We all have these silly coughs. I hear the older two coughing all night long. Paige gets to coughing so hard it makes her spit up. Other than the dry cough, we're all fine.
  • Brooklyn can read! That girl is so smart. I'm not biased either. But, really, she's able to sound out simple words and read. She's getting pretty excited about it and I'm scrambling looking for easy readers she can practice with.


  1. Hi, Honey! Wonderful posts and I loved the pictures! Just a little hint about the coughing in the night. I read that Vick's Vapor Rub, applied to the bottoms of your feet, keep you from coughing so much in the night. Wierd, huh?! Guess it would be worth a try! Love 'ya bunches! Mom

  2. That's hilarious! How could it possibly help way down on your feet? Why not just put it on your chest?! Where do you hear these things? But I might still try it tonight. Those poor girls just aren't sleeping well with that cough.


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