3 months old

Don't fall out of your chair. Three posts in one day?! You may be wondering what's up.

I don't know.

Maybe I just feel the need to communicate with somebody since I haven't left the house in three days and have been spending my time with tired, sick kiddos...who, indecently are feeling much better!

I cannot believe that Paige will be three months old tomorrow! Wow, what a fast few months. Paige is my little angel-baby. Seriously, there never was a more easygoing baby. She's just pure sweetness through and through. Paige is my smiley-est baby and she's already cooing and trying to laugh. She sleeps through the night (my other two never did until they were a year old) and I didn't even try to get her sleeping through the night! The only real issue we have is recurring eye infections - I think due to plugged tear ducts, so we're working on that. Poor thing has icky eyes most mornings. But she's still just as content as can be. She's chubby and smiley and patient and friendly. We all adore her.

Paigey, we're so glad you came.

We try to get a picture of Paige every Sunday. Very seldom do we get a real great picture, but we do like seeing how she changes week by week. This was about two weeks ago.

A thumb-sucker?! I got this picture today. We can hear her sucking from across the room. This is not a habit I like to encourage but she just won't take a pacifier...and is she not the most adorable thing in the world?
Here she is propped up with some pillows practicing sitting on her own. It's really more balancing on her belly than real sitting but she really likes it!
P.S. Super-congratulations to my cousin and his wife, who just had their fifth child and FIRST baby girl yesterday!! You'll love parenting your princess. It's a joy. (Funny, I first accidentally typed "job." That's pretty accurate too!)


  1. Ah, love this baby girl!!! Bunny

  2. She's such a sweet little bundle. I'm so glad she's agreeable! Hope your family is all better. I know we probably gave that all to you. I was thinking it was getting Sean back for getting me to potty train Audrey under false pretenses, but you're the one who has paid. I'm so sorry! I think we're finally approaching "normal" here, but I feel the need to fumigate the place. Love to you all.


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