
Well, it's already been two weeks since my last update.


I'd tell you how busy I am, but I have this feeling I'm beginning to sound a bit repetitive.

But I am.


I'll stop there.

I know I promised pictures...for some reason, I couldn't upload those pictures a while ago. So here's one taken quite a while ago that I still want to share. Paige is already so different! The other two are still just as rotten as they look in the picture.

Speaking of Paige, she's been a little sick lately. We've all battled colds but, obviously, it has been worse for her little two-month-old body. Thankfully, she's on the mend and the doctor, after checking her over really well, proclaimed that it was just a head cold and he was sure she'd fight it off just fine. He gave us some eye drops for her infected eyes and made a few suggestions to help her get over the cold - and it's already working! As far as her growth, she's right where she should be. A little tall for her age. Big surprise!

Brooklyn continues to love school. I still dream of homeschooling someday, but then she loves other kids and "going to school" so much. And I've seen how good it is for her to go to school - she seems to thrive in that environment. Whatever we do, I just want it to be the right thing. I'm pretty high-strung (and schizophrenic) when it comes to this schooling thing. Maybe it's because Brooklyn is my oldest and I've never really done this before. At any rate, I'm still praying that God would make it obvious to me what is best for our family...and that I would be able to have a peace with it. As it is right now, I'm about 50-50. (Sean is already decided . If I were a good wife, I'd just accept and go with his decision! Hmmm...did I just get my answer?!)

Maddie is fully rotten. And CUTE! This is a fun (and challenging) age. Maddie is such a ham, too. She can really "work" a room! She's also very close to potty training. Basically, the only thing holding her back is her mother who is NOT in the mood to deal with that just yet. Yeah. I'll admit to that.

My schoolwork is going okay. I'm pretty much always behind. I just do what I can and try not to get too uptight about it. It's hard for me not to be able to devote quality time to this - I'm that annoying type that can't stand to not get straight A's. But this last semester of my college career is my busiest and craziest yet...I'll be happy to just pass these classes so I can graduate at last.

Well, there is the "report." I'd love to write more and hopefully get into some deeper things...someday! Until then, I'm just updating for friends and family who aren't nearby :-)
If you are still reading this blog, you deserve some kind of reward! So thanks for not giving up on me :-) Okay, I'd better get moving. Laundry and babies are calling....


  1. Those precious little girls aren't "rotten"! Grammy Bunny

  2. Thanks for the update! Words can't express how much I can relate...


  3. BTW, FYI...

    I use "rotten" A LOT when I describe my kiddos. I mean it in the most loving, caring way possible. Make sense? It isn't like I think my kids are overly-naughty or bad...they're just, well, little cute goblins who have stolen my heart. Oh my, I'm not getting anywhere, am I? I guess I'm just saying that "rotten" is an endearing term that I use in reference to my kids, rather than a label I'm trying to attach to them. I don't really think they are rotten in the literal sense - just rotten in a "steal-your-heart-even-when-they're-causing-trouble" sense. There. Cleared that up for ya.

  4. I totally understand your "rotten." I often refer to our precious offspring as "rats." I do not mean that they are disease ridden sewer creatures. It's totally a term of endearment. I also like to call them "the short people." Again, term of endearment. I honestly think it's easier than getting the right name out at the right time :) Frustrated I asked Brennan why I can't ever get their names right to which he replied, "maybe because there's too many of us." I concede.

  5. Thanks for still blogging. I love hearing what's going on. What in the world.....SCHOOL......on top of everything else you have going on???? Are you NUTS?!!! Love you and miss you a TON!


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