Simply Complicated

It isn't so easy to accept - completely - this new idea of Christmas, is it?

Or am I the only one driving myself crazy?!

Now I'm second-guessing every little thing I do, say, or buy.

God is certainly working on me :-)

But I think it bears saying right now that this idea of spending less on gifts and more time worshiping Jesus is NOT about guilt. Please don't feel guilty every time you spend money on gifts for your family or loved ones this Christmas season.

I am NOT endorsing the removal of presents from beneath the tree. All I'm saying is this - why not keep it a little smaller this year? This year, we're limiting how many gifts we give our girls and we're thinking long and hard about what they would enjoy the most, rather than buying every pink thing we see. Why not start creating some new traditions? I love the idea of taking the whole family along to serve others! I know that a couple of years as a kid, my parents and I helped serve holiday meals to the needy - that made a huge impact on me. Why not save a little money back to send to a ministry or give to someone in need? Need more ideas? Stay tuned!

But Christmas can still be Christmas!

Let's face it, a lot of us really get a kick out of giving! And giving is a joy, God Himself takes pleasure in blessing us and giving good gifts. As parents, Sean and I are so excited to give our girls the gifts we have for them. Oh, it's killing me to hold on to these gifts all the way until Christmas! (That is the problem with shopping ahead. I don't normally do this, but I wanted it done before baby came!)

In my extended family, we adults have agreed to skip the usual gift exchange and just keep the focus on the kids - which we also have set a limit to. But Christmas this year will still be a very full holiday. Maybe we can all go sledding, make gingerbread houses, play games together, sing carols, read the Christmas story, serve others, reminisce, laugh and play together, maybe learn from each other.... I fully intend to corner my sister and make her teach me how to crochet (and I'll show her how to knit,though it will be similar to the blind leading the blind). Honestly, we're just so happy to be with family this year that we're perfectly content to soak up the time with them rather than exchanging ugly sweaters with them!

As we plan our holiday gatherings this year, let's remember the JOY that can come from the simple things in life. Seriously, do you remember every gift you received at Christmas...or do you remember the traditions that your family kept each year? Commercials on TV might convince you that a happy Christmas is only possible with a million shiny presents under the tree, but we all know that the real happiness comes in being together...and in remembering together that precious Jesus born to save us over 2,000 years ago.


  1. Love that I'm not the only "crazy" one about not getting my kids everything they want :) For the last 3 years, we have asked the kids to decide on 3 gifts that they want and that is what we get. We don't do the SC simply because I was S0 convicted NOT do it. (I do not comdemn anyone who chooses to.)
    I also take the kids to our local shelter to work with me. They ask to go and are upset when I go without them.
    They look forward to our birthday cake for Jesus and other new traditions that we have started.
    We are often questioned about why we choose to do things so differently but I am happy that we are headed in a more "giving" direction rather than a "give me" direction.


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