Reality Strikes
Yesterday was our last official day with MAF. So, it's over. Our missionary career is, at least for now, a thing of the past.
How bittersweet.
I can tell you that in all honesty we really loved MAF and we loved being missionaries. We were even good at it (at least to those on the outside looking in - we always felt under-certified for the job, which I think is normal and probably healthy). God brought us back home and out of that life before we ever expected Him to.
So, yes, saying good-bye to all that has been a hard road to travel. Hardest decision of our lives. We hope and pray that someday, God will give us the privilege of returning to the foreign mission field if only for a short-term visit. Missions, as well as international travel is in our blood now. I don't think we're done with our overseas adventures though I have no idea what they'll look like in the future. It's one of those "just trust God" things and I have this sense that He'll work it out more beautifully than I can imagine.
At the same time, if you've been reading this blog the past three months, you are well aware that we are so happy to be back. It's strange and weird and exciting and wonderful all at once. As life settles down and takes on a more routine existence, we find ourselves feeling perfectly at home and content with where God has placed us now. And we have an expectancy for the things God has for us here in the U.S. - new ways to minister to others, opportunities to share Jesus in a secular environment, and so much more.
As Sean begins his "real" job this week, we're both reeling from all the change that this year as brought. We feel like a couple of kids play-acting at real, grown-up life! As Sean goes off to his new job and pretends he's an airplane mechanic, I'm discovering all over again just how much work it is to be a stay-at-home Mom. Seriously, I've never really been a stay-at-home mom in the strictest sense of the word - I've always had either Sean at home more or a house helper or both! But more on that later....
I have two little girls waiting (impatiently) for me to play tea with we'll leave it at that for now. Thanks for your prayers as we enter a whole new world and deal with feelings that nobody could forewarn us of! God is good, all the time, and I'm counting on Him to take us through this time of transition!
How bittersweet.
I can tell you that in all honesty we really loved MAF and we loved being missionaries. We were even good at it (at least to those on the outside looking in - we always felt under-certified for the job, which I think is normal and probably healthy). God brought us back home and out of that life before we ever expected Him to.
So, yes, saying good-bye to all that has been a hard road to travel. Hardest decision of our lives. We hope and pray that someday, God will give us the privilege of returning to the foreign mission field if only for a short-term visit. Missions, as well as international travel is in our blood now. I don't think we're done with our overseas adventures though I have no idea what they'll look like in the future. It's one of those "just trust God" things and I have this sense that He'll work it out more beautifully than I can imagine.
At the same time, if you've been reading this blog the past three months, you are well aware that we are so happy to be back. It's strange and weird and exciting and wonderful all at once. As life settles down and takes on a more routine existence, we find ourselves feeling perfectly at home and content with where God has placed us now. And we have an expectancy for the things God has for us here in the U.S. - new ways to minister to others, opportunities to share Jesus in a secular environment, and so much more.
As Sean begins his "real" job this week, we're both reeling from all the change that this year as brought. We feel like a couple of kids play-acting at real, grown-up life! As Sean goes off to his new job and pretends he's an airplane mechanic, I'm discovering all over again just how much work it is to be a stay-at-home Mom. Seriously, I've never really been a stay-at-home mom in the strictest sense of the word - I've always had either Sean at home more or a house helper or both! But more on that later....
I have two little girls waiting (impatiently) for me to play tea with we'll leave it at that for now. Thanks for your prayers as we enter a whole new world and deal with feelings that nobody could forewarn us of! God is good, all the time, and I'm counting on Him to take us through this time of transition!
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