
She's here!

Paige Abigail was born at 1:51 p.m. Sunday, December 14. She weighed 8 lbs 9.5 oz. and was 20 3/4 inches long. Her entrance into the world went very well and we couldn't be more pleased.

We got to bring Paige home Monday morning. Since then, we've been taking it easy and getting to know one another. Brooklyn loves her new baby sister and would stare at her all day if we'd let her! Maddie is warming up to the idea of this strange little person taking over the household and she really loves to give the baby kisses. Both of our older girls are being great helpers and they can't wait until Paige is old enough to play with them :-)

It's hard to believe we are now a family of five! We feel like such blessed parents with our three beautiful girls. Aaaahhhh....these are wonderful days full of precious baby mewlings, new baby smells, tender kisses on brand-new cheeks, and...sleepless nights! Gratefully, the house still feels restful today and I am high enough on pure love that I don't feel nearly as exhausted as I should. The view out of our window is goregous - fresh snow, grand Rocky Mountains, bright sunshine. Paige is napping peacefully. Brooklyn and Maddie are playing together and I'm listening to Christmas music while I unpack our hospital stuff. Not a bad day at all. I'm feeling very blessed....


  1. Congratulations!! She is so beautiful. As the middle child of three girls, it thrills me when I see someone with three girls. So fun!! Best of luck to all of you! Take care.

  2. She is beautiful! So glad everything went well and you are enjoying her so much. What a gift!

  3. We're so excited about baby Paige Abigail! You are truly blessed! How's the proud papa? Can't wait to see this new family member and the rest of you, too!

    Lots of love and Merry Christmas!

    Aunt Anita

  4. wow great job becca on posting pictures so quickly! maybe you could convince my darn brother to send his sweet little sister (the only one he has might i add) some cute baby pictures, plllleeeeaaaasssseee!
    love ya!


  5. I know you're busy enjoying your new little bundle and settling in to a new normal but those of us who feel like forever away would really love an update. She's absolutely beautiful and I would greatly appreciate you planting a big sweet kiss on her neck for me. Make sure you inhale deeply as you do in order to completely absorb all that is wonderful about infants. We love you all.


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