A Conpiracy I'll Confess to Believing In....


  1. Hi Becca!

    We agree! Our family is changing the way we've "done" Christmas in the past. This video expresses well our discussions and decision to have a different kind of Christmas this year! I love all the tradition and of course we're keeping lots of it (like the singing Christmas songs, reading the Christmas story from Luke, gathering as a family, eating good food, playing games, etc.) Our goal is to take our whole family to help in a soup kitchen or something over the holidays to help us focus on others' needs and help the little ones have a different perspective than they've been exposed to at Grandma's & Grandpa's house where they received too many gifts! It is difficult for me to change! But we all agree on this.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Love ya,
    Aunt Anita


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