
We have SO much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season. When I look back on the past year, I am just awestruck at all that has happened, all God has done in our lives. A year ago, we were in Ecuador at a really fun MAF Family Conference. We loved our life and our friends and our ministry - we never would have guessed then that this is where we would be just one year later! I'd say God has done some BIG things this year! Aren't you glad He knows what's ahead for us, even while we simply enjoy what He has for us in the present?

I'm thankful for our first Thanksgiving with family in 3 years. I'm thankful for my beautiful girls. I'm thankful for a healthy pregnancy (and things are progressing right along...this baby might just come early). I'm thankful for a new home that far exceeds my expectations. I'm thankful for a new church home that is refreshing us in ways we didn't even realize we needed. I'm thankful for experiences in Latin America that I'm still remembering - I miss those times and those people and I always will...and I'm grateful that my memories are good ones. I'm thankful for a new chapter in life that I really never expected and the excitement of God's direction in our life. I'm thankful for a husband whom I love and appreciate more than ever before. I'm thankful for our oaf-dog, Duke, (he's in that overgrown adolescent puppy stage and he makes me laugh daily) and I'm amazed at the joy a simple animal can bring our family. I'm thankful that we get to host Thanksgiving right here in our own home - and I'm thankful that I'm not doing even a third of the work to have it here!

I'm thankful - just plain thankful - for so much that I really can't even begin to write it all down here. But I praise God for all He's done in my life and all He continues to do.

May your Thanksgiving be a wonderful time of fellowship with loved ones, good food, plenty of reflection on all that you have to be thankful for and, most importantly, a realization of God's love for you and His desire to be with you in this amazing journey called life . Enjoy your turkey...I know I will! (As long as I don't under-cook, over-cook, or completely ruin it :-)


  1. I am so glad you had a good Thanksgiving with family this year. Thank you for sharing.


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