Well, now that October is about over....

Did October seem really fast to anybody else?

I suppose that moving and settling into a new home might have something to do with it.


We're doing well. Still fighting a cold - each of us in our own way - but I think we're nearly done with that. This cold has really taken a toll on everybody (including the grandparents, who had it the worst, bless their elderly little hearts. wink. wink.).

Sean has been tearing down walls. In the garage. And he made the three most awesomest bookshelves you ever did see. They are my favorite and I'll never let them go. And he's fixed or installed countless little things this house has needed. I tell you what. Having a handyman for a husband is, well, just downright handy.

I've been organizing (or trying to) and I seem to be doing a lot of the ordinary daily stuff like laundry and dishes already. Guess that means we're gettin' good and settled! It's fun to cook meals in my own kitchen again. It's fun to go grocery shopping and find everything I need in one convenient stop!

Brooklyn is thriving in preschool. I'm so grateful for that place. This week was especially fun with a visit from the fire department (not for a real fire, just a little teaching demonstration for the kids complete with a man-sized Dalmatian in a fire hat) and they had fun today with a Fall Festival. I see Brooklyn really enjoying the social aspect of school and she's learning a ton.

Madison is learning too. Her vocabulary seems to grow exponentially everyday. She's the busiest little thing I ever saw and she keeps me hopping. I can't say she's any less destructive than my last post about her, but I'm usually able to keep my sense of humor (and my head) about things. She's getting very good at rearranging my carefully arranged books and knick-knacks just as soon as I get them placed. Maddie is loving the "big girl" bed and that is working out much better than I expected. She loves waking us up in the morning and she's so sweet and cute when she comes in our room that getting up is actually quite a joy. Potty training is on the horizon....

That about sums it up! One of these days, I'll download some recent pics from my camera. Or Sean will finally come inside from all his projects and will do it for me!

Hope you have a great weekend. And Happy Halloween if you care about such things. I'd seriously forgotten about this holiday since being out of the country. I'm kind of still in awe at how big a deal it is in America! This year, we didn't plan anything special or do costumes. It is more a matter of laziness than any strong beliefs one way or the other about the holiday. We mostly just ran out of time and our ideas about how we want Halloween to look in our home aren't crystallized yet. Next year.


  1. Thank you for your posts - I enjoy visiting your blog periodically. Good content, thought provoking.

    I look forward to seeing your photos when you get them uploaded.

    ~ Barb in Canada


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