
Folks, we live THREE - count them three - miles from Wal-Mart. When you are settling into a new home this can be dangerous. Three times yesterday we breezed through their automatic doors, not to mention countless times in the days before....

It's not a good sign when the greeters stop greeting you because they've seen you so much.

They're beginning to think we work there.


Even better.

We're the ones paying their paychecks.

And their Christmas bonus.

After living so far from anything resembling a Wal-Mart, we sure have adjusted to its availability quickly. It does occur to me to go somewhere else but - oh yeah! - there isn't anywhere else. I want to make that clear, people. In this little town, Wal-Mart - SUPER Wal-Mart, mind you - is king, queen, and court jester. We love the smallness of our town, don't get me wrong. But, Wal-Mart could use a little competition, don'tyathink?

Say, a Target perhaps?

(Oh, you all thought I was spending all my time at Target? Well, if the commute wasn't a good two hours, you know I would be. See, we don't have it all.)

I'm not really complaining. No siree. Not after so long without the convenience and options and always-low prices. I'll take what I can get. Honestly, I love Wal-Mart. I am, like every other American, dependent upon Wal-Mart.

But have you noticed?

The moment you walk through those doors, you become a different person. I don't think zombie is too strong a word here. I can't seem to shake myself loose of this zombie-like state until I step back out into fresh air.

I thought, at first, that it was just me. I am out-of-practice, so to speak, with the whole Wal-Mart shopping experience. I'm not used to all the abundance, the bright lights, the creative advertising, the Smiley face cheerfully rolling back prices. But, yesterday, as I wandered the aisles looking for something I needed (I forgot what it was the instant I entered the store) I noticed that everybody I passed had that glazed-over look in their eyes too....wide, unseeing eyes, slack jaw, wringing hands, moving along at a snail's pace....

I'm so glad it's not just me.

Just keeping it real, here, folks. Giving you my observations. I know you didn't ask, but there you have it.

Oh! I just realized I need to go grab a few things at Wal-Mart. See you in three or four hours.


  1. Hee, hee. I know... I like Target a lot, but even though there's one close, I find that it's a little more pricey than good ol' Wally World. I've always wanted to just rebel and refuse to go to Wal-Mart, especially when there are so many other cute, locally owned stores around. But, alas, I'm held prisoner by the low prices. I resent that very much, come to think of it.


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