The Writing on the Wall

I'm just plain tuckered out. It's The Two Year Old doing this to me...

You probably think I should place equal blame on her sisters too. (The emotional five-year-old and the ever-growing kicker in my belly. ) You would also say that my current "condition" in addition to the lingering cold in my chest are wearing me a little thin as well. You would most likely be right. But this post is about The Two Year Old.

The fact is that the only one who makes me run/waddle after her just for sheer pleasure is The Two Year Old. The only one who screams as I pry dangerous objects out of her sticky grip is The Two Year Old. The only one who strips off her clothes...and then her dirty diaper before I can push myself out of the couch is The Two Year Old. The only one who stuffs tiny torn pieces of Kleenex into the printer is The Two Year Old. The only one who pulls caramel apple dip off the counter and spreads it all over herself and the house is The Two Year Old. The only one who says an emphatic "NO" to my question when she really means "yes" is The Two Year Old. The only one with go-go gadget arms that can reach any sticky liquid or otherwise dangerous object no matter how safely put away it may be is The Two Year Old.

The only one who took a pencil to my freshly painted living room wall (oh, please don't tell my father-in-law) is The Two Year Old.

I'm so tired.

She's also the only one who puts on the dreamiest little face when she says "I wuv yoooo" a million times a day. She's the only one who wakes up cheerful, sweet, and cuddly. She's the only one who melts my heart every time she says "thank you." She's the only one whose little naked tooshie (running in the other direction, usually) makes me chuckle every time. She's the only one who says "please" in this household with any consistency. She's the only one whose hugs and kisses we all beg for.

If she wasn't so dern cute I'd have thrown her out with the dog by now. (Which she would love, by the way.)


  1. Ohhhhhh, our precious little one. Ya gotta love her!!!! You will survive, I guess you know. I sorta remember her Mommy doing some "creative writing" on the wall as well! Love 'ya, Honey. Mom

  2. Yes, taming of the Two-Year-Old definitely does not come easily ;oD. Love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!!! And pics of the new house ;o)


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